Have you ever used Bella Canvas or Next Level as your promo shirts?
They are recognized as being some of the best super soft shirts you can buy.
Because they are.
They are also EXPENSIVE.
And they aren’t the only super soft option.
If you could get the same super soft feel at a lower price point, would you?
Then look no further than Anvil or District Tees-- JDM’s favorites!
Both of these brands have SUPER SOFT shirts and are more affordable.
When we send samples of our favorites, clients agree and make the switch, which means:
- clients save money.
- clients still provide quality shirts their audience will wear time and time again.
In fact, one client recently made the switch from Bella Canvas to Anvil and saved 40%!
Those savings allowed them to also purchase decorated boxes to send the shirts in.
Clients notice no difference or even say they like our favorites more! Think of all the savings they have missed out on by not knowing this sooner!
Maybe you are missing out too?
Want A Sample?
If you have a t-shirt order coming up, let us send you a sample to judge for yourself.
We’ll provide you with two quotes as well:
- A quote to price out our favorite Anvil or District Tee.
- A comparison quote for the shirt you normally order to make sure you aren’t overpaying!